Saturday, March 03, 2007

Hide...! Look under the toaster. (Click to enlarge)


Jessica Wong said...

Ewww...this is sickening and hilarious at the same time! I didnt notice the cockroaches in the dark room until I enlarged the image. lol.

Unknown said...

This is lovely!! Wonderful design!

Arkonbey said...

For that grossness, you get an anecdote:
A friend who worked public works at the USCG base on Kodiak, AK had to crawl under the base galley(kitchen) to do some pipe work. She crawled in on her belly, and when she turned over and looked at the underside of the floor...

Well, guess where all of the cockroaches go during the day? She was only about 5'1", but she knocked over a 200 lb man when she rocketed out of the crawlspace hatch.

Luckily, in every apartment in every city I've lived in, no 'little friends'.

Michelle Lana said...

Very cool!

ElizT said...

Housework getting you down?

Unknown said...

Oh no, why?! I am in complete denial of my kitchen cleanliness. Now I have to move! :( Oh but its a good illustration anyway.

Linda said...

ewww, funny stuff, that man might want to put some shoes on!

lucrezia said...

This is just *so* good! Reminds me of the first time I visited relatives down in Florida. They shared their house with cockroaches so large, you could hear the floorboards squeaking under their weight. The first night I wandered into the bathroom at 2 am, turned on the light and just screamed, while the biggest mother-of-all-roaches stood her ground on the cabinet mirror, wiggling her antennae and daring me to flick her away. (She won.)

Brine Blank said...

ugghh...that creeps me basic training we had a LOT of that going on...Standing in the chow line you would see them scurry across the about hard choices in or starve during 18-20 hour days...when we were on KP and opened a closet door where some food was stored there were thousands of them that just took off like something out of a horror movie...

Unknown said...

oh dear

Unknown said...

Ahhh! One of my phobias! Nice work...

get zapped said...

Gross! I recall my cousin and I babysitting for someone one time and they had cockroaches all over the kitchen at night. It freaked me out! Cool idea, though.